Wednesday, December 16, 2009

is it duck tape or duct tape ?   Met Kevin Richard today, all is made with .. duct tape (in various colors).

So the stuff is said to be no good on ducts.
But seems to be great for other things.

starlings (cranes?)

definition of murmuration

Monday, December 14, 2009

education - free or __?

Open Courseware at MIT provides access to classes, quizzes, video lectures, demos, etc.

But student-taken class notes...   whose property is it ?

If a professor spends years crafting a teaching method / style / content should she retain control of that rather than permitting it to be posted on youtube, unedited, and of uncertain quality ?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

mathematical bagel cutting

after you do the linked rings, make the moebius strip !

thanks, Dan !