Friday, September 19, 2014

Avast me hearties, talk like a pirate day!

Every year, Sept 19th.

Avast me hearties !
Even knit like a pirate:
Depending on the sense of humor at your local store 
you might get a free donut!
from the article: 

Talk like a pirate, get free doughnuts on Friday

(Coutesy )
September 18, 2014|By Doreen Christensen, Sun Sentinel
Ahoy, blackbeards and wenches!
Plan ye costumes now to capture tasty plunder (free hot doughnuts) at Krispy Kreme to celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day on Friday, Sept. 19.
Have ye cockswain row into participating locations to collect a free doughnut by doing your best pirate imitation. Use this handy Pirate-to-English translator for help.
Scurvy sea dogs and scallywags can get a dozen free doughnuts by wearing three elements of a well-dress marauder: Eye patch, peg-leg, parrot, bandanna, hook, pirate shirt, hat or knickers. Just be sure to leave your weapons on the ship.
Click here for the deal or walk the plank!

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