Facebook made us lonelier than ever.
Is there any good news out there ? Yes ! Mourn not, Flappybirds will be followed by ...
NYT reports research on leveraging addictive nature of some of those games to build better minds.
Yep, from the article:
First it was Doodle Jump. Then Dots. And now — will it never end? — Flappy Bird.
So many of the games that we download on our
smartphones are a waste of time, but we can’t seem to stop playing them.
My current high score on the late, lamented Flappy Bird is three. After
weeks of tap-tap-taping to keep that stupid little bird flying. Three.
Why do we keep falling for these things?
The answer to that question just might be
found in, of all places, a medical laboratory at the University of
California, San Francisco. Researchers there are trying to figure out
what makes games addictive — and how we might use video games to make
our minds stronger, faster and healthier.